
Matthew 13.
Hindsight is 2020.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Gulf spill is not like 9/11... It is more like the Mexican border...

     I heard something yesterday that started me thinking. Well, kept me thinking... since, as you probably know by now, I often think about this stuff.
     Recently, the president said that the Gulf spill echoes what happened to us on September 11. Outrageous. No one who loves the American way of life could ever make that comparison. If nothing else, his comment exposes the depths he will stoop to get what he wants.
     Let us just remember what happened on that quiet September morning almost 10 years ago... 
     Foreign terrorists, who hate America, boarded four separate American airliners, filled with innocent, unsuspecting people... and flew one plane each, with passengers watching in horror, first into one Twin Tower, and then the other (destroy the free market)... Then the terrorists flew another passenger airliner into the Pentagon (destroy America's military might)... The fourth plane was intended for the Capitol (destroy our system of government)... but true American heroes courageously fought back, taking the plane down in a Pennsylvania field. Of course, they all perished. But they refused to be victims.
     Who could ever forget the horror of the workers trapped at the top of the Twin Towers, unable to escape. Or the images of some of them leaping to their death, rather than being burned to death? Or the heart wrenching last goodbye phone calls, knowing they would not get out. How about the selfless first responders who gave their all for total strangers. Three thousand people died that day... mostly Americans... on American soil. Unprecedented.
     Here's what we know about the Gulf spill... There was an accidental explosion aboard a BP oil rigger miles off the Gulf coast. Although I certainly don't want to minimize the deaths of the workers involved, there certainly have been worse accidents. I would not even compare these two events, but the president started it.
     While it's true that, as the days go by, many, many livelihoods are being destroyed by this. But the Gulf spill is only more of a disaster than it might have been because of the inaction of our federal government. British Petroleum didn't try to stop us from implementing our clean-up plan, we just didn't do it. And it is Obama who has rejected offers to help. In fact, if the feds hadn't pushed the drilling so far out and so far deep, we wouldn't have the problems that we do.
     No, this oil spill is nothing like 9/11. To say that it is means the president must be focusing on something other than what most Americans would be. 
     Perhaps there is ego involved. Maybe he wants us to rally around him, like we did around our leader then... Only, America only rallies around her leaders when they actually lead. Maybe he's trying to turn this from his Katrina into his 9/11. Too late.
     More to the point, the president's focus is on how he can use this event to demonize the oil companies, and push through his green energy agenda. This excerpt is from Britain's Daily Mail...

'In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11,' he (Obama) said, 'I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come.'
In a sign he will use the catastrophe to push for energy and climate change reform, he vowed to 'move forward in a bold way in a direction that finally gives us the kind of future-oriented… visionary energy policy that we so vitally need and has been absent for so long.
'One of the biggest leadership challenges for me going forward is going to be to make sure that we draw the right lessons from this disaster,' he said.
Mr Obama said he did not know if America would shift from an oil-based economy in his lifetime however he added that now was the time to 'start making that transition'.
'What we can predict is that the availability of fossil fuel is going to be diminishing; that it's going to get more expensive to recover; that there are going to be environmental costs that our children… our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren are going to have to bear,' he said.

     So, in times like these, we need to sacrifice, and if it means paying more for energy under a costly cap and trade scheme, then we should want to do it as Americans... That we should say... Do whatever you need to do to keep us safe... to save the planet. Seems to me the oil companies aren't the ones we need protection from.     
     This brings me back to what I heard on Glenn Beck today... That if the president wants to make a true comparison to this oil spill... he should look no further than our southern border. We have a problem there. The illegals are gushing into America, and there is absolutely no plan to plug that hole either. Just more rhetoric and accusations.

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