
Matthew 13.
Hindsight is 2020.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Modern day eugenics... abortion will do... Margaret Sanger would be proud...

     Margaret Sanger was an early 20th century progressive, and the founder of Planned Parenthood. She believed that minorities and poor people were inferior to whites, and should not breed. She was influential in promoting eugenics in America.
     I was researching eugenics and found the following passage here.
"Equally or even more influential on popular culture was Margaret Sanger 1883-1966. Sanger is known as a crusader for contraceptive rights; but few know that her concern for contraception was based firmly on concern for racial control. Her early work in impoverished environments led her to the belief that 'genetically inferior' persons should have less children, and that centers for birth control should be 'wisely' placed in neighborhoods which were impoverished, which also frequently happened to be in minority settings. Her first major 'research' journal, Birth Control Review published articles and research by Eugenicists including a few published by one of Hitler's Eugenicists."
"Few know of Sanger's concern with racial policies and control, but a careful perusal of authors and articles in these early journals demonstrate her concern with human engineering. She was later in life appointed honorary head of Planned Parenthood, the group which grew out of her original organization in the 1940s; the journal has continued as a research arm of Planned Parenthood till this day, under a different name. These and other influences of Eugenics proponents in the United States were formidable contributing factors in the lobbying for isolationism and restricted immigration during World War II, hurting mostly Jewish persons wishing to escape the Shoah."    
     Does any of this sound familiar? Centers for birth control wisely placed in neighborhoods which are impoverished, which also frequently happen to be in minority settings. And all this time, I thought Planned Parenthood just wanted to help.
     If you don't know history, you are doomed to repeat it. Boy, have the women of this nation been taken for a ride. Get off now, lest you end up heartbroken.

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